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"In every piece of jewellery, there is a story waiting to be told."
突破不只是穿戴的珠寶飾物,an ordinary project一直希望以珠寶連結美好的珍貴回憶,把回憶中的高光時刻永久留下。founder - Shanade在glimpse of moments系列中,環繞著帶有照片的寶石去設計,這顆寶石由特別技術將照片打印於玻璃石上,由an ordinary project的經典吊墜款完成整個設計,銀飾上刻印著品牌的logo,守護着你最珍貴的回憶化成永恆,陪同着你遊歷人生。
訂單製作需時大約十個工作天 (不包括星期六、日及公眾假期),完成後將會安排順豐速遞寄出,需時兩到四天到達你所提供的地址,順豐站或順豐櫃。
beyond being mere jewellery, it allows for personalised customisation and the sharing of its enchantment with those close to you. Exquisitely hand-crafted by Shanade with care and dedication, each elegantly designed pendant is a portal safeguarding your treasured moments, transforming memories into a tangible, eternal keepsake, silently echoing your journey through life.
production takes approximately 10 business days (excluding weekends and public holidays), followed by a dispatch and delivery timeline of 2-4 days to ensure your personalised piece reaches your doorstep promptly.
Additionally, the option of including a personalised gem containing hair from your beloved pet is also available(+$700). Shanade will contact you via the information provided, to discuss design details.
1. 要觀賞寶石內的影像,可以將寶石的正面貼近其中一隻眼睛,保持另一隻眼閉上,持續地調整距離至可窺見影像。
2. 若想更清晰,可在陰暗的環境下打開手機的閃光燈照射寶石底部,將寶石中的影像以投射的方式,投射到牆上。
3. 如想拍攝或錄影,打開手機的拍照功能,靠近鏡頭不斷調整及轉移至合適的鏡頭,直至影像清晰出現在手機屏幕。
1. To view the memory within, hold the pendant close to your eye and peer directly through the front side, while keeping the other eye closed, much like peeping through a peephole.
2. For a clearer view, activate your phone's flashlight and position the reverse side beneath the light in a softly lit space. The image will cast luminously upon walls.
3. To capture the moment, activate your camera and gently bring the shining bead near the lens. Adjust until the projection floats within your phone's frame.
提供香港本地及海外配送,香港、台灣及澳門運費將會在結賬時顯示,其他地區請點擊 link 以 what's app 查詢 (
we ship locally and worldwide, the shipping fee of Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau will be shown when check out, for other counties please click the link for enquiry via what's app (
well packed with jewellery box
an ordinary project的原創設計飾物以925純銀製作,電鍍上18k金保護層,能使飾物更易於打理,若希望「寵物毛髮寶石」及金屬能長久保存,請參考以下的保養資料。
The original design of an ordinary project was made by 925 sterling silver with 18k gold plated, to keep “pet’s hair gem” and jewellery in a good condition, please follow the steps below.
do not use chemical to clean your jewellery, use silver cleaning cloth for silver parts and alcohol free wet wipes for gem
remove jewellery when bathing, showering, swimming or exercising, the heat of hot water and sweat may affect the shine of jewellery and gem
avoid direct contact with perfume and hand cream
keep your jewellery in dry place away from humidity
make sure the jewellery is completely dried before put back to jewellery box
we set the gem with prong and bezel setting with glue, if it’s getting loose, please contact us for repair
jewellery with 18k rose gold plated, the colour may faded out over time, we offer re-plating or changing parts service for that (with fee).